Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Reps meet in SF

so here it was... a gathering of the MINDS.
Hosted by Kelly from Apostrophe and conceived by herself and Kate Chase. Sydnor organized the spot. Maslov was photographer. The rest of us ate, DRANK and had a wonderful 1st collaboration about our mutual businesses, the industry, the photographers and yes, the state of the world during this time. Mostly we got to know each other and see each other face to face and profess our commitment to one another in this crazy challenging wonderful world of advertising photography. Missed you who were not there, you were in spirit- next time!
(photos: me-Kathryn of Tidepool, Maslov Agent Internationale, Lauranne of Heather Elder, Quinci of Marianne Campbell, Stephanie of Michael Ash, Nadine of NKReps, Bobbi Wendt, Stephanie Menuez, Freda Scott, Kelly of Apostrophe, Gina of Michael Ash, Beth of Friend&Johnson, Quinci, Cristina of Friend&Johnson, Candace of Virtu and Dominque of Virtu.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Book sales and Cocktails

Sara Remington just wrapped up work on a gorgeous book of cocktails with Cyrus in Healdsburg, California. Look out for the book this fall. Thirsty anyone?

Sneak Peek

Just a little sneak peek into the tasty delights of The Big Sur Bakery's Cookbook which Sara Remington has been diligently shooting. The book will be out this time next year. Hungry anyone?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

inspired venting (if you've nothing better to do)

After 2 weeks in the New Mexican desert, benefiting from it’s ethereal qualities, I wanted to share this balance and reality check experienced out here regarding: yes, life and our business in my momentary opinion.
If you don’t know this already, Santa Fe is next to NYC as the art capitol of this country. With Site Santa Fe among a zillion galleries and a lot of $ backing it all up… it draws artist and collectors from all over, as well as supporting the artists that grow and cultivate this community.
I came out for peace, to breathe the air, heal my self a bit spiritually, and to find inspiration once again, as occasionally need for yes, life and our business. I mean, it helps and I am gratefully aware that my time here was in an artist cottage and spent with 2 of the community’s top artists them selves…
The Santa Fean just came out with their 150 top emerging, established and most influential talent in the Santa Fe area.

My two friends were named. 1st is the 5 planet Virgo Jennifer Jospeh http://www.jenniferjoseph.com/
Who was named 4 times to be precise and brag.
This is a woman I spend mornings having coffee with, hiking with, occasionally sip tequila with and several very emotional times of my life with. She’s not only an artist, she a recovering acupuncturist, a tarot reader and healer, a political intellect, a NYTimes cross word devotee and a great friend…
She did several paintings of a new series during my stay. They just made me happy to see, they’re directly related to her new “love” and the softness shines thru into her work right now. Her art ranges from 3 dimensional acupuncture needle sculptures, to super contemporary paintings, depending on where she is in her life. Always they are consistent and layered and dimensional…

Not secondly is Tuscany Wenger, a true creative and artist-a natural nurturer and healer in her own sense, the kind you think of when you think artist: she comes up with these physical ideas, creations and fabricates them and I have no idea where they come from… she is a woman in the true mystical sense of the term.

She and Jennifer create art together sometimes and do occasional shows. She is also the wife of a longtime childhood friend of mine, Peter Johnson, the antiquity bookseller… talk about an interesting career… I should also mention, and here directly comes my real photographic influence and what set in motion my involvement today with the photo industry, my collaboration with Brooke and the birth of Tidepool Reps- Peter is a photographer. Actually, Peter is an artist. He is a writer, painter, drawer, sketcher, reader, philosopher, but originally and foremost a –photographer. He was the care taker, companion and scribe of the final words, thoughts, last wisdoms of Frederick Sommer during the final years of his life, until he died. And what a man that was! I had the honor of meeting him and being challenged by his wisdom – his usual “what do you do?”question, got me,… at the time??? I don’t know, you mean job? NO what do you DO????? It started a great long dialog of philosophy and thought and nature and what it is that makes you “ummm” feel inspired and a zest, not to be confused with happiness.. A whole other conversation. What drives you to "live" life fully...?

My life and photographic narrow mindness I can get into when I don’t look at the questions fully and honestly, was broadened, and a NEW APPRECIATION, A New way of seeing was helped to transpire …
Anyhow, check these people and influences out, if you need something to inspire or create questions or just get a new perspective on your own “art” and why you do what you do in your life… why any of us do this…

Now on the shuttle’s hour desert hwy drive to the airport, reflecting out the window towards the mountains I’ll leave behind for a while, I have the sensation and realization: I am taking what this land of enchantment has offered me: a piece of it’s healing magic, calming sprit, ghosts’s and living’s creativity… or I left behind a good part of my own baggage and agreements I’d once made, that I now recognize as lessons to be learned from and changed, and found other offers out there in the world… most importantly, found compassion.

Life is sometimes filled with pain and grief and fear and…it’s all temporary, really. They are simply challenges for our growth. So here’s a few quotes inspiring me lately:

Love is the willingness to nurture one’s own self and /or another’s spiritual growth. – bell hooks

"Whatever you have forgotten, you can remember. Whatever you have buried you can unearth. If you are willing to look deep into your own nature, if you are willing to peel away the layers of not-self you have adopted in making your way through the tribulations of life, you will find that your true self is not as far removed as you think." -- Meredith Jordan

Stop thinking. Everything is perfect. – PJ

I don’t know anything so, I’m gonna sit with this latest experience and carry it for a while, stay slow and nurture what’s important to me …whether I get clarity in substantial or fleeting moments, either way it feels good….

k of kandb

Heimo shows in Brisbane, Australia

212 967 3936/ cell 646 245 3240

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Erik speaks

Erik Almas gave a lecture at the Apple Store last Monday. Peering over people's shoulders from the back I watched him show slides of his marketing tools, tell stories of the evolution of his craft, and infuse everyone with his energy and passion for image making.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

man in a box

It's a funny thing being obsessed with your artist's work. I look at it all day. I talk about it all day. Truthfully I sell it all day, and sometimes the wonder I had when first looking at the images begins to feel like a smooth stone I hold in my hand that I can't put down.

My 6 year-old daughter brings me pieces of art that often look similar to the last 10 pieces that she drew and brought home crumpled in her backpack. Each one is beautiful, but the focus varies very little: I'm a mermaid. She's a mermaid. A little variation in color or detail: we now have longer hair, the mermaid's tail is purple. Then she will bring me home a picture where I can't fathom where it came from: Figures with stars and moons above, light rays and ocean waves behind. "Mom, it's the day we went to the beach to watch the sunset and stared at the sky". I realize in that moment how much she has been dreaming and working on her art. I feel the same way when I read Timothy Archibald's blog and look at the images he is bringing to fruition. Apparently I am not alone. People read it, forward it to their friends, write about it on their blogs. Links on his blog are getting more hits than from their high paying source book ads or fancy promotion pieces. If you haven't looked at it already I suggest you do so. Here is an article posted today about Timothy which tells none of the secrets he is bringing forward to create his personal projects. It's the story of a change in pace, the move towards commercial work and what he puts into all of his images. It reminded me of why I am so fascinated with that stone I keep in my hand.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Erik at work again

Erik and his trusty producer Mary Zeeble have been hard at work on a project for Lucentis for weeks! Here they are exploring Lake Powell and the beauty of Arizona.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Tidepool signs Fernando Decillis

So it happened like this. At 7:28 PM on a Thursday I got an email from a photographer I had never heard of that started out "Hi Brooke". He said he was in town for just a couple of days and could I possibly meet him tomorrow to look at his portfolio. We get about 5 solicitations a day from photographers. I try to open every single one and sometimes I respond to them, if I have time. I have no idea what prompted me to click the link to his site, I was cooking dinner for my daughter and running the usual night time frenzied marathon. I didn't have a moment to spare the next day and I sure as shit wasn't meeting anyone on a weekend. But I clicked. About 5 minutes later I was on the phone.

Me: "Hi, this is Brooke. I got your email, can I take you out to the Ivy tomorrow for lunch?"
Fernando: "Um, ya, that would be great. What should I bring?"
Me: "Just your book. I can't wait."

When lunch was over we sat with his portfolio for a while and by the end we both had smiles on our faces. It was like getting married on the first date. Who does that???? Reps do, when they find someone that amazing. Take a look: http://www.decillisphoto.com

Blogs and Timothy

One of Timothy Archibald's images was chosen for the 2008 American Photography Annual. The image is from a series Timothy has been working on of photos of his kid and scanning physical pieces of his life. Well, what's so interesting about that, you might think. But there isn't a single thing that Timothy does which is NOT interesting, actually. Timothy's blog which documents his journey through the series is quite the buzz in the photo world and I've had two creatives admit their obsession with his posts. Add us to his list of fans list as well. http://timothyarchibald.blogspot.com

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sara Remington loves giraffes and bees

A few recent shots of Sara shooting bees on location in Big Sur for the 'Big Sur Bakery Cookbook' and some giraffes on the side.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sara says: someone please get me a napkin for my drool

Lauren Pett is the brainiac behind the deliciously decadent Rich Chocolates in Chicago. Not only does Sara get to shoot Lauren's unique and quirky inventory of candies and chocolates, but she also gets to eat everything after pushing the pieces around for hours to get the right angle. Favorites include the Whimsy Collection, which is a take on childhood favorites like mint chocolate chip, bananas foster, pecan pie, and smores. Mmmmm...

Shameless promotion

Friends and fans of the LA Derby Dolls, I present to you another great game that you should not, cannot miss. Last month I brought Cline Davis Mann creatives Tom Galati and Tracy Dennis and Greg Jaroszewski of Kaplan Thaler as well as Erik Almas, Loni Weholt and Erik's photo crew. I know for a fact that they had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Little bonus was Drew Barrymore in the house who is directing her first film "Whip It!", a fictional tale about our league written by fellow team mate Shauna Cross aka Maggie Mayhem. March 15th my beloved Sirens go up against the Fight Crew. Blood will flow, bodies will fly, and a great time will be had by all. Get your tickets early as we sell out all of our games. http://derbydolls.com/la/index.html

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Erik Almas shoots Caduet

Erik was in LA over the weekend shooting for Cline Davis Mann. Images included a couple aboard a double decker bus which we drove at very low speeds around downtown LA with a police escort. The clients had a blast!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Women and Wine in the West

Last month Tidepool collaborated with the Blackwell files to host a fantastic social event, celebrating Bay Area women in the industry. It was amazing to connect with art buyers, other reps, photographers, stylists, and producers outside of the work arena... what an extraordinary group of women! The wine was flowing, the snacks were delicious and the company was purely inspirational. It was such a success, we hope to have more gatherings soon... Stay tuned!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Timothy Archibald featured in group show opening this Saturday in Chicago

"Satin Satan's next show, 'Fun Gun', features photographs which are both visually playful and hint at more serious ideas. This exhibit can be enjoyable to look at for someone who isn't art educated or it can be an intellectual thriller for the skinny jeaned type. My aims for this gallery in a broader sense are to pair talented up-and-comers with established champions of art. I also want to give Chicago a place to look at great work and meet other people. Peoria Street galleries are funerals and I want Satin Satan to be drunk and full of life, you know, the Irish kind of funeral." -Brad Troemel, Curator

Location is Satin Satan Gallery , 1918 North Wood Street in Chicago, the attached image is titled ' Early Morning Ghost, 2007'. The show opens on Feb 16th, this Saturday.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Burgers and a haircut

K and B are working together in Los Angeles this week. Kathryn's arrival inspired an afternoon BBQ. John Graham from Goodby, also in town from San Francisco, joined us as well as Emily McDowell, Jeff Greenspan and Craig Ferrence of Ground Zero. And some other random people. We're looking forward to a week of meetings which will end with an LA event that you shouldn't miss. Raggedy Annarchy, jammer for the The Sirens with the Los Angeles Derby Dolls (aka Brooke Embry) will be managing her team to another victory. You can bet on that. Get your tickets now, they will be gone in another day or two: http://derbydolls.com/la/index.html

Here's a pic of us hard at work, in derby uniforms of course. With our new haircuts.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy New Year!

We had a wonderful end of the year, spent 4 days playing in San Francisco with our Tidepool mascot, Hazelle June. We tried to ice skate at the rink at the Zoo which apparently was closed after a tiger ate a boy then went on to maul others. Trying to delicately explain that to a 6 year-old was interesting. Brooke and Hazelle left town just before the storm came in and blew San Francisco away, including all of our Tidepool office patio furniture.

This blog is new, we will update you with artist news as well as all things fun and cool. More to come!!

Kathryn and Brooke